The development of ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK (AEUK) is closely linked to the Admiralty Underwater Weapons Establishment (AUWE) in Portland, originally operated by the Royal Navy, together with other facilities along the south coast of England and, with that, the British Ministry of Defence (UK MoD). The history of research and development in the field of hydroacoustics and underwater weapons in this region extends back many decades.
1st October 2009 was the date on which AEUK came into being. Today, the company is characterised by three major success factors. It is extremely innovative and has demonstrated this time and time again. It has a sure command of rapid prototyping and can therefore offer customers a good basis for further optimisation work within a short space of time. It also excels at a very special kind of teamwork and project management. This special combination of know-how, team spirit and discipline is what makes AEUK so effective.
The fitting-out of submarines was the main domain of AEUK and the industrial predecessors of the enterprise. Today, the hydroacoustics specialists are responsible for most of the sonars installed on board the submarine arm of the Royal Navy. On the whole, AEUK generates more than two thirds of its turnover in the United Kingdom, while about a third results from direct and indirect export.
The engineering and product portfolio has grown considerably in recent years. First of all, the list includes development work on behalf of customers. In this regard, AEUK takes on commissioned development in the sphere of sonar and torpedo technology, for example. Work in the area of mine hunting and other topics, usually software-driven, as well as consultancy services also belong to the spectrum covered by AEUK.
The ATLAS Remote Capability Integrated Mission Suite (ARCIMS) is a veritable flagship product that meets all technical and commercial expectations.